The motivation that stirs the passion I have for politics is to leave a legacy of a good government based on the principles that founded our nation and serve as guideposts of that which is good and decent. I frequently explain that “I’m a Christian, first, an American, second, and because of those two distinctions, I choose to be a Republican since the party best represents my faith and my country.”
My background, education and experience in health care and sales and marketing shows that my interest and volunteer spirit that have brought me to the role in which I currently serve. Hard work and a servant’s heart does go a long way in politics.
Politics has been a lifelong interest of mine, with my first campaign resulting in victory for my Tennessee Girls' State Governor candidate, followed by my own victory as a Senator in the University of Tennessee's Student Government.
Returning to Hamilton County to pursue a career in sales and marketing after graduating from UT and working in critical care medicine for almost 3 years, I immediately got involved in Republican politics. Whether placing yard and road side signs for local candidates, writing letters to the editor or running the countywide campaign for trustees, I am a living example of grassroots politics.
While I served as Chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party from 1998-2002, the TN GOP made gains with the only GOP legislative victory- unseating an incumbent Democratic State Representative. That same year, the local county GOP also won the local Sheriff's race by upsetting the Democratic Deputy Sheriff. During this tenure, the local party established a sustainable fundraising program, began an annual golf tournament, launched a website and was honored by the local NAACP and City of Chattanooga for its work and commitment to the inner city children of Chattanooga.
Active in the U.S. Senate campaigns of Senators
Frist, Thompson, Alexander and Corker along with leadership roles in both presidential campaigns of George W. Bush, I served as a surrogate speaker and as an organizational contact for the candidates and the Tennessee and National Republican Party Organizations.
In 2004, I worked directly with Cathy Gillespie, Chairman of “W Stands for Women,” to increase the voter turnout of women in Tennessee and the Southeast. I, additionally, served as an elected delegate for the 2004 Republican National Committee Convention in New York City.
Currently, I serve on the
RNC Women's Advisory Committee as a panelist for Women's Leadership Conferences and hosted a regional forum hosted in Nashville, better equipping activists with campaigns, election law and media knowledge.
On August 4, 2007, Robin Smith was unanimously elected Chairman by the Tennessee State Executive Committee.