Over the last two weeks I have spent a few days on the Victory 2008 Straight Talk Bus visiting Victory Centers, touring small businesses, holding roundtable discussions with community leaders, enjoying some community festivals and talking with many voters on why this is such a critical election for the future of our country.
The enthusiasm and excitement in the Victory Centers is contagious and clearly shows that Republicans are energized and dedicated to doing what needs to be done to be sure our supporters – Republicans, Democrats and Independents – cast their votes.
Those riding on the bus change each day and include veterans who have been prisoners of war with John McCain, Olympic medal winners, professional athletes, coaches, members of the McCain family, state and local office holders, community leaders and Democrat Women for McCain. Each speaks about why they are supporting the McCain-Palin ticket. Many times their remarks bring tears to the eyes of those in the audience.
Last week we participated in the parade at the Woolly Bear Festival in Vermillion, Ohio. Governor Linda Lingle of Hawaii was on the bus and wanted to see a real “woolly bear.” Urban legend claims that a woolly bear caterpillar depending on the width of the colorful band around it, can forecast the severity of approaching winter.
The Governor saw a young girl with a woolly bear and the attached picture will help you all see what a woolly bear looks like.
Also, late last week the Victory 2008 bus stopped at McCain-Palin Campaign Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia to talk with the volunteers manning the phones and painting signs for rallies in Virginia. Former Governor and first Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge gave a rousing speech as did Roberta McCain, John’s mother. Roberta then hopped on the bus for a two-day swing through Virginia. We’ll be sure to post more photos from the bus tour soon.
As we post this blog, there are three weeks before the final decision is made on the 2008 presidential election. Don’t be fooled by the polls – as John Zogby, a national pollster, said in a Boston Herald article October 9th, “It still can break one way or the other.”
Thanks for everything you are doing. You can and will make a difference in the election breaking for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
PS. If urban legend is correct we are going to have a mild winter!
Jo Ann Davidson was re-elected Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee in Washington D.C. on January 19, 2007. She reaffirmed her commitment to growing the Party and developing a strong grassroots political organization. She was first elected Co-Chairman in 2005. Davidson was a member of the Ohio House of Representatives for 20 years and served as Speaker of the House from 1995-2000. As Chairman of the Ohio House Republican Campaign Committee from 1986-2000, she spearheaded the successful effort to return the Republicans to the majority in the Ohio House of Representatives in 1994, for the first time in 22 years.
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